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Jump To: Text (28)  |  Other (8)

Text (28)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
AUTOEXEC.BAT DOS Batch File 3 11b 1987-01-16
BONUS.A Text File 176 15KB 1986-08-19
BONUS.B Text File 176 16KB 1986-08-19
BONUS.C Text File 176 16KB 1986-08-19
BONUS.D Text File 176 17KB 1986-08-19
BONUS.E Text File 176 17KB 1986-08-19
EDITION Text File 2 8b 1986-06-17
FF.A Text File 81 8KB 1986-08-19
FF.B Text File 81 8KB 1986-08-19
FF.C Text File 81 7KB 1986-08-19
FF.D Text File 81 7KB 1986-08-08
FF.E Text File 81 8KB 1986-08-19
FT.A Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-19
FT.B Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-19
FT.C Text File 63 5KB 1986-08-19
FT.D Text File 63 5KB 1986-08-08
FT.E Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-08
MF.A Text File 81 6KB 1986-08-19
MF.B Text File 81 7KB 1986-08-08
MF.C Text File 81 8KB 1986-08-08
MF.D Text File 81 7KB 1986-08-19
MF.E Text File 81 8KB 1986-08-19
MT.A Text File 63 5KB 1986-08-08
MT.B Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-08
MT.C Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-08
MT.D Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-08
MT.E Text File 63 6KB 1986-08-19
NUDE-IBM.BAS BASIC Source File 179 7KB 1985-11-23

Other Files (8)
COUNT MS-DOS COM Executable 504b 1988-06-25
RUTH.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 67KB 1986-08-19
TOTAL All Null Bytes 504b 1986-07-31
ADULT.BAS Unknown 19KB 1986-11-07
NUDE.BAS Unknown 5KB 1986-09-18
PARTS.BAS Unknown 16KB 1985-04-16
RECORD Unknown 84b 1980-01-04
ZERO Unknown 84b 1986-08-08